Primerus Spot-Spitter Downspray for Minimal Overspray
Buy the Spot-Spitter Downspray ("Spot-Spitter DS") here. The Spot-Spitter DS is a new variation on the trusted Spot-Spitter spray stake which provides a downward-directed spray pattern to keep water in the pot without overspray. Use the Downspray spitter in small pots or applications where avoiding overspray is critical.
While the DS is your best bet to keep water in the container, its coverage is not as broad as the Standard Spot-Spitter. You may need to experiment with both to determine the best for your application.
The medium flow Dark Green Downspray Spitter has a 160 pattern and 11.4 GPH flow rate at 20 PSI designed for 5-15 gallon containers or 8-10"" flower pots.
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$13.50 SALE!
$12.00 SALE!
The medium flow Dark Green Downspray Spitter has a 160 pattern and 11.4 GPH flow rate at 20 PSI designed for 5-15 gallon containers or 8-10"" flower pots.